The Caregiver Relationship
All Episodes in the Module

Ep129: What your healthcare team is saying behind your back.
Overview Gallow's Humor in Oncology What your healthcare team is saying behind your back On today's podcast, Angel and Dr E once again take you behind the Wizard's curtain to reveal the humor used when your healers get overwhelmed with hopelessness and despair and...

Ep126: The Doctor will Get to Know you..
Overview The Doctor Will Get To Know You Now A billboard for inspiration and the need for a brief break from the usual serious and heavy subjects act as the platform for this week's podcast!Referenced on the show CROC gratitude shout outs Angel Santana - Have Faith...

Ep123: Reclaiming Youth
Overview Reclaiming YouthThe Importance Of Remembering How You Got To Where You Are 2 weeks ago was an unusually slow week for Dr EMaybe a summer lullDoctor/patient vacationsTreatment protocol evolution Whatever the reason, certainly a great opportunity to take stock...

Ep122: Prior Authorization Let the Battle Continue
Overview Prior AuthorizationLet The Battle Continue We are honored to welcome trusted and respected colleague Jane Capozella as our special guest. Jane works tirelessly on behalf of our beloved Survivors/Thrivers on so many different levels, one level of which is...

Ep 121 Prior Authorization Let The Battle Begin
Overview Prior AuthorizationLet The Battle Begin Just when you finally are able to breathe after getting the "bad news", and are mentally prepared to begin treatment your doctor tells you that your insurance authorization is being held up for PA. On today's podcast...