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All Episodes in the Module

S4Ep:178 Angels of Mercy Part 1

Angels Of Mercy Part 1 Everyone involved in healthcare, whether from the Caretakers or Caregivers prospective, knows the value and irreplaceable necessity of great nursing care. But what rarely gets noticed are the innumerable acts of compassion that  happen everyday...

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Ep124: Theresa & James A Survivor Love Story

Ep124: Theresa & James A Survivor Love Story

Overview Theresa and JamesA Survivor Love Story On June 29th 2023 a bright light was taken from us, yet at the same time the story of Theresa and James is not a tale of sadness and defeat, but rather one of courage, hope, love, inspiration and wisdom! Join Angel and...

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Ep86: Winnie the Poo & Tigger part 2

Ep86: Winnie the Poo & Tigger part 2

OverviewWinnie the Poo and Tigger Part 2Celebrating the life of Gloria Taylor On episode 13, Angel, Dr. E and Gloria Taylor celebrated the Life of Stevie Taylor; the heroic childhood cancer survivor whose influence on the Hudson Valley Survivor Community is still...

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Ep24: Breakfast with the President

Ep24: Breakfast with the President

OverviewPlease join Angel and Dr. E. as they hand over the mic to two time cancer survivor, civil rights activist, community leader, and urban housing pioneer and advocate Ramon Rueda. We promise you will be mesmerized by Ramon's testimony and historical journey from...

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Ep21: Happy Birthday America

Ep21: Happy Birthday America

OverviewRed white and blueHonoring Army veteran John Fezza too!! Please join Angel and Dr. E as we celebrate America the beautiful July 4th birthday with special guest John Fezza, a 2 time cancer survivor, Army vet, and undercover narcotics investigator! Module:...

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