Ep111: Stealing Simplicity from the Mouth of Complexity
Stealing Simplicity From The Mouth Of Complexity
As a Survivor-Thriver isn’t your life complicated enough? Between the fear and anxiety of your disease, the treatments and side effects, and balancing your health with work, family, friends and interests, sometimes things must seem overwhelming.
On this week’s episode Angel and Dr E try to help by sharing the 4 Rules of “Keeping It Simple”!!!!
Referenced on the show
CROC gratitude shout outs
Angel Santana – Have Faith Let It Begin
Rod Freeman – Small Biz Up
Charlotte Larsen – http://www.charlottelarsen.net/
Michael Benzaia – https://www.michaeljohnbenzaia.com/
Wishing all of our cancer survivors a very long, healthy, happy and cancer-free life.
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