Exercise for the survivor

Ep71: Survivor Exercise #7 – Let’s Wrap It Up With A Pretty Pink Survivor Bow

Ep71: Survivor Exercise #7 – Let’s Wrap It Up With A Pretty Pink Survivor Bow

The CROC Podcast
The CROC Podcast
Ep71: Survivor Exercise #7 - Let's Wrap It Up With A Pretty Pink Survivor Bow


Exercise for the Cancer Survivor
Episode 7-Module Summary-Let’s wrap it up with a pretty pink Survivor Bow!!!!

What’s the most important factor in getting your Survivor Exercise Program together?

Is it:

A. Passion for a certain activity
B. Number of days per week that you Exercise
C. How many hours you Exercise per week
D. How many minutes of high intensity training per week?
E. How much strength training per week
F. Integrating small moments of movement into your daily grind(squirts)
G. Keeping close notes on your weight, Exercise, heart rate, sleep, body composition
E. Eating a sensible healthy diet

Or drumroll please….

F. All of the above!!

Referenced on the show

CROC gratitude shout outs

Angel Santana – Have Faith Let It Begin
Rod Freeman – Small Biz Up

Charlotte Larsen – http://www.charlottelarsen.net/
Michael Benzaia – https://www.michaeljohnbenzaia.com/

Wishing all of our cancer survivors a very long, healthy, happy and cancer-free life.

CME Credit

Click here to earn CME Credit for THIS EPISODE from cmefy.

Ep71: Survivor Exercise #7 – Let’s Wrap It Up With A Pretty Pink Survivor Bow

Ep70: Survivor Exercise #6 – What the heck is a squirt?

The CROC Podcast
The CROC Podcast
Ep70: Survivor Exercise #6 - What the heck is a squirt?


Exercise for the Cancer Survivor

Episode 6-What the heck is a squirt?

So, you have agreed a change in your life is needed.
You’ve chosen a vehicle like yoga, bought a gym membership, bought a peloton, or joined a softball team.
You’ve realized that eating a gallon of ice cream 30 minutes before bed May not be the best idea.
And you have reluctantly agreed to do 5-6 days of 30-60 minute per day movement, 150 minutes of high intensity orange zone heart rate craziness and incorporate weight/resistance training.
I know you’re thinking “Hey E, that’s enough already!!!!”
I understand your position but stay with me for one more recommendation-Exercise Squirts-which is today’s episode!!!!

Referenced on the show

CROC gratitude shout outs

Angel Santana – Have Faith Let It Begin
Rod Freeman – Small Biz Up

Charlotte Larsen – http://www.charlottelarsen.net/
Michael Benzaia – https://www.michaeljohnbenzaia.com/

Wishing all of our cancer survivors a very long, healthy, happy and cancer-free life.

CME Credit

Click here to earn CME Credit for THIS EPISODE from cmefy.

Ep71: Survivor Exercise #7 – Let’s Wrap It Up With A Pretty Pink Survivor Bow

Ep69: Survivor Exercise #5 – Keeping Score

The CROC Podcast
The CROC Podcast
Ep69: Survivor Exercise #5 - Keeping Score


Do you think it’s Important to track your workouts; how many days per week, how many hours, heart rate zones, recoveries, sleep data etc.

We do!!!

On today’s episode Angel and Dr E tell you why and how!!!

Referenced on the show

CROC gratitude shout outs

Angel Santana – Have Faith Let It Begin
Rod Freeman – Small Biz Up

Charlotte Larsen – http://www.charlottelarsen.net/
Michael Benzaia – https://www.michaeljohnbenzaia.com/

Wishing all of our cancer survivors a very long, healthy, happy and cancer-free life.

CME Credit

Click here to earn CME Credit for THIS EPISODE from cmefy.

Ep71: Survivor Exercise #7 – Let’s Wrap It Up With A Pretty Pink Survivor Bow

Ep67: Survivor Exercise #4 – The Battle Between Knife and Fork

The CROC Podcast
The CROC Podcast
Ep67: Survivor Exercise #4 - The Battle Between Knife and Fork


Module-Exercise for the Survivor
Episode-The Battle between the Knife and Fork

Today Angel and Dr E welcome our esteemed Garnet colleague and stellar nutritionist Aradhna Pal to discuss basic nutritional support as a foundation for our fitness goals.

Referenced on the show

CROC gratitude shout outs

Angel Santana – Have Faith Let It Begin
Rod Freeman – Small Biz Up

Charlotte Larsen – http://www.charlottelarsen.net/
Michael Benzaia – https://www.michaeljohnbenzaia.com/

Wishing all of our cancer survivors a very long, healthy, happy and cancer-free life.

CME Credit

Click here to earn CME Credit for THIS EPISODE from cmefy.

Ep71: Survivor Exercise #7 – Let’s Wrap It Up With A Pretty Pink Survivor Bow

Ep66: Survivor Exercise #3 – Pumping Iron

The CROC Podcast
The CROC Podcast
Ep66: Survivor Exercise #3 – Pumping Iron


Exercise for Survivors
Pumping Iron

I know what you’re thinking. “Angel and Dr E-I just survived surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments and now you want me to lift weights-Aren’t I tough enough?”

This week we are delighted to welcome the strength guru, Jim Quinn, who will dispel many of the misconceptions we all have about strength training and hopeful get you to consider taking the first step to a new you!

Personal Trainer – Strength & Conditioning Coach Jim Quinn – Milford, PA (personaltrainermilfordpa.com)

Jim Quinn (@jimquinnbodyandperformance) • Instagram photos and videos


Referenced on the show

Personal Trainer – Strength & Conditioning Coach Jim Quinn – Milford, PA (personaltrainermilfordpa.com)

Jim Quinn (@jimquinnbodyandperformance) • Instagram photos and videos


CROC gratitude shout outs

Angel Santana – Have Faith Let It Begin
Rod Freeman – Small Biz Up

Charlotte Larsen – http://www.charlottelarsen.net/
Michael Benzaia – https://www.michaeljohnbenzaia.com/

Wishing all of our cancer survivors a very long, healthy, happy and cancer-free life.

CME Credit

Click here to earn CME Credit for THIS EPISODE from cmefy.

Ep71: Survivor Exercise #7 – Let’s Wrap It Up With A Pretty Pink Survivor Bow

Ep65: Survivor Exercise #2 – High Intensity Training & Strength Training

The CROC Podcast
The CROC Podcast
Ep65: Survivor Exercise #2 – High Intensity Training & Strength Training


Exercise for Survivors
Episode 2-High Intensity Training and Strength Training

Does anyone really want to work out so intensely that you feel that your heart is going to explode? No!!!!

Does anyone really want to lift metal plates over their heads until their muscles scream with pain? No!!!!

But if you want long term health benefits, you have to incorporate both of these strategies into your fitness program.

Today’s Memorial Day episode we feature the proprietors of CrossFit Takeback, Laurie Arias and Michael (Buddha)Villanueva- as they describe and incorporate these critical components into their daily workout of the day; famously referred to as a WOD.

Referenced on the show

CROC gratitude shout outs

Angel Santana – Have Faith Let It Begin
Rod Freeman – Small Biz Up

Charlotte Larsen – http://www.charlottelarsen.net/
Michael Benzaia – https://www.michaeljohnbenzaia.com/

Wishing all of our cancer survivors a very long, healthy, happy and cancer-free life.

CME Credit

Click here to earn CME Credit for THIS EPISODE from cmefy.