Ep129: What your healthcare team is saying behind your back.
Gallow’s Humor in Oncology
What your healthcare team is saying behind your back
On today’s podcast, Angel and Dr E once again take you behind the Wizard’s curtain to reveal the humor used when your healers get overwhelmed with hopelessness and despair and reach the tipping point of their compassion and empathy. It’s not right and it’s not wrong It’s always existed and will always exist But there is a line that cannot be crossed. Let’s dig in to try to understand this most natural human response.
Referenced on the show
CROC gratitude shout outs
Rod Freeman – Small Biz Up
Charlotte Larsen – http://www.charlottelarsen.net/
Michael Benzaia – https://www.michaeljohnbenzaia.com/
Wishing all of our cancer survivors a very long, healthy, happy and cancer-free life.