The CROC Podcast
The CROC Podcast
Ep58: Scrapbooking Your Journey & Other Cool Computer Ideas


Did you ever consider trying to find a creative outlet to express your Survivorship Journey; like writing a journal or blog, organizing your health data in a way that makes sense, compile a book of original poetry, design a personal digital scrapbook, website, or even your own podcast?

If so we have someone who can make your vision a reality!

Today Angel and Dr E welcome one of our beloved board members, Rod Freeman from Small Biz Up.
Rod wears many hats for The CROC Podcast including webmaster, graphic designer, content collaborator, IT/social media director, and computer consultant (try fitting all that on a business card!), but today he is going to tell you how to get your project off the ground.

Ready, Set, Go!!!!!!!!!

Referenced on the show

CROC gratitude shout outs

Angel Santana – Have Faith Let It Begin
Rod Freeman – Small Biz Up

Charlotte Larsen –
Michael Benzaia –

Wishing all of our cancer survivors a very long, healthy, happy and cancer-free life.

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