The CROC Podcast
The CROC Podcast
Ep76: Reclaiming Normal #6 - Religion and Spirituality


Reclaiming Normal

Episode 6-Religion and Spirituality

You’ve just been told you have cancer but there must be some mistake.

You exercise, you eat right, you don’t smoke or drink, you are a good person, and you go to church every Sunday. God would not let this happen to me!

This week we look at the history of religion, the difference between being “religious” and being “spiritual”, and finally help you work through any anger or doubt you may be experiencing toward a Creator that can allow such suffering.

Referenced on the show

CROC gratitude shout outs

Angel Santana – Have Faith Let It Begin
Rod Freeman – Small Biz Up

Charlotte Larsen –
Michael Benzaia –

Wishing all of our cancer survivors a very long, healthy, happy and cancer-free life.

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