In Search of The Person You Want to Be “Who am I?” Since the dawn of self realization,humans have asked this seemingly simple and straightforward question; many times without an answer; and most times with the wrong answer! For the next 6 weeks or so Angel and Dr E are going to help you use the trauma of your cancer diagnosis to break down all the layers of synthetic denial and protective inauthenticity so you can find your core; and then MacGyver your core to be what you want it to be!
Referenced on the show
CROC gratitude shout outs
Angel Santana – Have Faith Let It Begin
Rod Freeman – Small Biz Up
Charlotte Larsen – http://www.charlottelarsen.net/
Michael Benzaia – https://www.michaeljohnbenzaia.com/
Wishing all of our cancer survivors a very long, healthy, happy and cancer-free life.
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